Green Dot Bystander Intervention

What is the Green Dot Model?

Green Dot mobilizes a force of engaged and proactive bystanders. Green Dot is a campus-wide initiative that provides education and prevention strategies that address sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, bullying, and stalking.

The Green Dot college curriculum focuses on 3 types of violence:

  • Dating and Domestic Violence – Abusive behavior one person in a relationship uses to control the other. It can be verbal, physical, sexual or emotional.
  • Sexual Assault – Any type of sexual contact, touching, or behavior that happens without consent of the recipient.
  • Stalking – a pattern of behavior that makes someone feel afraid, nervous, harassed, or in danger. It is when someone repeatedly makes contact, follows sends things, or calls when it is not wanted.

What is a “Green Dot”?

Actions a person can take to prevent harm from occurring. There are two different types of Green Dots:

  • Reactive Green Dot – a choice someone makes to intervene in a potentially harmful (red dot) situation. This can be done using the 3D’s. Learn about the 3D’s of Bystander Intervention
  • Proactive Green Dot – actions a person can take to establish the norms that violence isn’t tolerated and everyone will do their part, thus preventing violent behaviors (red dots) from happening to begin with.

What is a “Red Dot”

Actions that cause harm to another person.


  • Having sex with someone without their consent.
  • Showing up, unwanted, at an Ex’s work place.
  • Someone not letting their partner hang out with friends without their permission.